Application Users

This table stores unique records of Users associated with the Partner operator own application (i.e., not the Monta Charge app).

NameData TypeDescription
idINTEGERPrimary key, unique identifier for each record.
user_idINTEGERForeign key referencing the USERS table.
application_idINTEGERUnique identifier of the application.
operator_idINTEGERUnique identifier of the operator associated with the application.
terms_read_atTIMESTAMPTimestamp indicating when the user read the application terms.
application_marketing_emails_accepted_atTIMESTAMPTimestamp indicating when the user consented to receive marketing emails; NULL if consent hasn't been provided.
created_atTIMESTAMPTimestamp indicating when the record was created.
updated_atTIMESTAMPTimestamp indicating when the record was updated.
deleted_atTIMESTAMPTimestamp indicating when the record was deleted.