Team Members

This table gives the mapping between teams and sub teams or users that are associated with a team.

NameData TypeDescription
team_membership_idINTEGERID of the team member
user_idINTEGERID of the user. Only set for regular memberships, null for nested team (in that case the nested_team_id is set)
nested_team_idINTEGERThe team id of the invited / nested / child team sitting under another team.
When this column is set, the row represents the parent nested team relation. (the user_id should not be set or it will create confusion).
team_idINTEGERThe team id of the team which is a user or a team belongs to. It may also indicate the parent team in parent nested team relation - when the nested_team_id is set.
stateSTRINGOne of 'requested', 'invited', 'rejected_at', 'accepted', 'blocked', 'expired'
requested_atTIMESTAMPMembership requested at timestamp
invited_atTIMESTAMPTimestamp of the team member invited at
rejected_atTIMESTAMPRequest rejected at timestamp
blocked_atTIMESTAMPRequest blocked at timestamp
expires_atTIMESTAMPRequest expires at timestamp
accepted_atTIMESTAMPTimestamp of the acceptance of request
invited_by_user_idINTEGERUser id of the inviter
accepted_by_user_idINTEGERUser id of the accepter
blocked_by_user_idINTEGERUser id of the blocker
roleSTRINGUsers role in the team admin: An admin or owner of the team user: A member of the team
can_use_for_paymentsINTEGERCan use team wallet for payments flag
can_use_for_manage_walletINTEGERCan use for manage wallet flag
can_configure_charge_pointsINTEGERCan configure charge points flag
is_viewedINTEGERIs viewed (most likely set when state is invited)
accessSTRINGAccess to team CPs: either ALL or SELECTED when selected, the CPs user (or nested team) has access to are set in team_member_charge_point table
price_group_idINTEGERPrice group id for this member / nested team
partner_external_idINTEGERThe partner external unique ID.
member_fee_idINTEGERId when member has a fee
next_member_fee_purchase_atTIMESTAMPTimestamp of the next member payment due date
member_fee_purchases_countINTEGERTimes the member fee was paid
created_atTIMESTAMPCreated at timestamp
updated_atTIMESTAMPTimestamp of the latest update
deleted_atTIMESTAMPTimestamp of deletion