Charge Pricing Breakdown

Provides a breakdown of the total charge fees being paid by the customer.

NameData TypeDescription
charge_pricing_breakdown_idINTEGERIdentifier for the charge pricing breakdowns
charge_idINTEGERForeign key for the charge
operator_idINTEGERID of the operator of the charge
currency_idINTEGERForeign key for the currency
typeSTRINGCategorical variable with categories 'price' and 'cost'
precisionINTEGERPrecision of the price/cost values
total_priceINTEGERTotal price
total_master_priceINTEGERTotal master price
total_secondary_priceINTEGERTotal Secondary price
total_feesINTEGERTotal Fees
total_adjustmentsINTEGERTotal Adjustments
created_atTIMESTAMPTimestamp of creation of the charge
updated_atTIMESTAMPTimestamp of last update of the charge