Failed Charges Info

This table stores Open Charge Point Protocol (OCPP) detailed information related to Charges that failed.

NameData TypeDescription
charge_idNUMBERForeign key referencing the CHARGES table.
cp_idNUMBERForeign key referencing the CHARGE_POINT table.
failed_reasonVARCHARFailure reason of the associatedCharge record.
created_atTIMESTAMPTimestamp indicating when the associatedCharge record was created.
completed_atTIMESTAMPTimestamp indicating when the associatedCharge record terminated.
kwhFLOATTotal kWh associated to the Charge record.
firmwareVARCHARFirmware version of the associated Charge Point at the time of the charge.
ocpp_reported_failureVARCHAROpen Charge Point Protocol (OCPP) reported failure when available.
e.g. EVCommunicationError
ocpp_end_reasonVARCHAROCPP charge end reason when available.
e.g. ChargePointLocal
ocpp_end_reason_descriptionVARCHAROCPP charge reported failure end reason detailed description when available.
e.g. Stopped locally on request of the user at the charge point (EVCommunicationError)
ocpp_vendor_error_codeVARCHAROCPP vendor error code when available.
e.g. 13
ocpp_reported_infoVARCHAROCPP detailed error reported failure detailed information when available.
e.g. TCP Error