
This table represents the subscriptions that are purchased by an operator/customer.

NameData TypeDescription
subscription_idINTEGERUnique identifier for each subscription
plan_idINTEGERIdentifier for the subscription plan
operator_idINTEGERIdentifier for the operator who managed the subscription
customer_idINTEGERIdentifier for the customer who purchased the subscription
customer_typeSTRINGType of the customer - can be chargepoint, team or operator
stateSTRINGState of the subscription - can be pending, cancelling, active or cancelled
next_purchase_atTIMESTAMPTimestamp for the next purchase in the subscription
pending_atTIMESTAMPTimestamp when the subscription is pending
active_atTIMESTAMPTimestamp when the subscription was activated
cancelled_atTIMESTAMPTimestamp when the subscription was cancelled
end_atTIMESTAMPTimestamp when the subscription ended
discount_percentageFLOATDiscount percentage in the subscription
discount_absoluteFLOATAbsolute discount in the subscription
original_amountFLOATOriginal amount of the subscription
discount_amountFLOATDiscount amount of the subscription
total_amountFLOATTotal amount in the subscription
final_amountFLOATFinal amount charged for the subscription
total_unitsINTEGERUnits paid for (the higher number between min_units and actual_units)
min_unitsINTEGERTotal units which are currently committed
actual_unitsINTEGERTotal units which are currently active
min_final_amountFLOATMinimum final amount for the subscription
max_final_amountFLOATMaximum final amount for the subscription
currency_idINTEGERUnique ID of the currency for the subscription payment
country_idINTEGERIdentifier for the country of the subscription
purchased_by_user_idINTEGERIdentifier for the user who purchased the subscription
cancelled_by_user_idINTEGERIdentifier for the user who cancelled the subscription
noteSTRINGNotes related to the subscription
created_atTIMESTAMPTimestamp of subscription creation
updated_atTIMESTAMPTimestamp of subscription updation