Charge Point Sites

This table represent the operator charge site used to group selected charge points.

NameData TypeDescription
charge_point_site_idINTEGERThe ID of the charge point site
operator_idINTEGERThe ID of the operator
team_idINTEGERID of the team
country_idINTEGERThe ID of the country where the site is located
active_atTIMESTAMPThe date and time when the site was activated
updated_atTIMESTAMPThe date and time when the site information was last updated
created_atTIMESTAMPThe date and time when the site was created
site_nameSTRINGThe name of the site
longitudeFLOATThe longitude of the site location, extracted from a JSON object
latitudeFLOATThe latitude of the site location, extracted from a JSON object
address 1STRINGThe first line of the site address
address 2STRINGThe second line of the site address
address 3STRINGThe third line of the site address
citySTRINGThe city where the site is located
zipSTRINGThe postcode of the site
visibilitySTRINGThe visibility status of the site