
This table gives the mapping between teams and operators.

NameData TypeDescription
team_id (primary key)INTEGERUnique numeric id of the team
team_name (not null)STRINGName of the team
operator_nameSTRINGName of the team operator
operator_idINTEGERID of the team operator
parent_operator_idINTEGERID of the parent operator of the team
partner_nameSTRINGName of the parent operator
countrySTRINGCountry of the team
country_code (not null)INTEGERID of the country of the team
address1STRINGTeam address line1
citySTRINGTeam city
zipSTRINGTeam address zip code
emailSTRINGEmail of the team
company_nameSTRINGName of the company
vat_numberSTRINGCompany vat number
created_atTIMESTAMPTimestamp of team creation
deleted_atTIMESTAMPTimestamp of team deletion
owner_user_idTIMESTAMPThe user ID of the team owner.