
This table store unique records for each user relevant to the operator.

A user is included in this table if either of the following conditions are met:

  • They are a member of one of your teams.
  • They are an owner of one of your teams.
  • They have used a white-label application linked to you.
NameData TypeDescription
user_idINTEGERUnique ID of the user
stripe_customer_idVARCHARUser stripe account ID
created_atTIMESTAMPTimestamp of user creation
updated_atTIMESTAMPTimestamp of user update
deleted_atTIMESTAMPTimestamp of user deletion
blocked_atTIMESTAMPTimestamp of user blocking
first_nameVARCHARFirst name of the user
last_nameVARCHARLast Name of the user
emailVARCHAREmail of the user
phoneVARCHARPhone number of the user
country_nameVARCHARCountry of the user
country_currency_codeVARCHARCurrency code of the country of the user
address1VARCHARAddress line 1 of the user
address2VARCHARAddress line 2 of the user
address3VARCHARAddress line 3 of the user
cityVARCHARCity where the user lives
zipVARCHARZip code of the area where the user lives
timezoneVARCHARUsers timezone