Charge Keys

Provides information about the charge point authentication token used to initiate a charge session.

NameData TypeDescription
idINTEGERID of the auth token
identifierVARCHARExternal Identifier of the charge key
typeVARCHARType of identifier: can be 'rfid' or 'vehicle_id'
charge_key_nameVARCHARName assigned to the charge key
active_untilTIMESTAMPTimestamp till the charge key is active
is_monta_networkBOOLEANBoolean for whether the network is monta or not
is_roaming_networkBOOLEANBoolean for whether it is a roaming network or not
is_operator_networkBOOLEANBoolean for whether it is operator network or not
blocked_atTIMESTAMPTimestamp of blocking of the charge key
team_idINTEGERID of the team to which the charge key belongs
user_idINTEGERID of the user using the charge key