
This table store unique transaction records.

NameData TypeDescription
transaction_idINTEGERUnique ID of the transaction
to_wallet_idINTEGERIdentifier of the wallet in which the deposit was made
to_wallet_owner_idINTEGERIdentifier of the wallet owner to whom the deposit was made
to_wallet_owner_typeSTRINGDestination wallet owner type
from_wallet_owner_idINTEGERIdentifier of the wallet owner from whom the deposit originated
from_wallet_idINTEGERIdentifier of the wallet from which the deposit was made
from_wallet_owner_typeSTRINGSource wallet owner type
performed_by_user_idINTEGERIdentifier of the user who performed the transaction
reference_idINTEGERExtra field for at will data storage
completed_atTIMESTAMPDate and time when the transaction was completed
pending_atTIMESTAMPTransaction pending date.
failed_atTIMESTAMPTransaction failed date
updated_atTIMESTAMPDate transaction updated
created_atTIMESTAMPDate and time when the transaction was created
kindSTRINGTransaction Kind
transaction_countrySTRINGThe country where transaction took place
to_currency_rate_eurFLOATConversion rate to Euro for destination currency
from_currency_rate_eurFLOATConversion rate to Euro for source currency
to_currency_codeSTRINGCode of destination currency
from_currency_codeSTRINGCode of source currency
to_amountFLOATDesitination actual amount
to_sub_amountFLOATDestination subsidiary amount
vat_to_amountFLOATDestination vat amount
from_amountFLOATSource actual amount
from_sub_amountFLOATSource subsidiary amount
vat_from_amountFLOATSource vat amount
failed_reasonSTRINGReason transaction failed
vat_percentageFLOATValue added tax percentage
stateSTRINGTransaction state
typeSTRINGTransaction type

- Deposit (deposit is in the monta wallet)
- Withdrawal (withdrawal is from monta wallet)
- Internal (both deposit and withdrawal happens in a monta wallet)
reference_typeINTEGERThe type of transaction