Charge Member Costs

Charge member costs (team_price_groups.team_price_group_type = member_cost) are similar to how member prices work, but the user is not really paying for it, and behaves as a cost that is only used by the team/operator.

💡NOTE: These records are references to "Member Cost Groups" from Portal.

NameData TypeDescription
charge_member_cost_idINTEGERUnique ID for the charge member cost
costDECIMALAssociated cost in currency of the charge session.
charge_idINTEGERAssociated charge session.
cost_group_idINTEGERAssociated team price group (type: member_cost)
created_atTIMESTAMPTimestamp of creation of the team price group
updated_atTIMESTAMPTimestamp of last update of the team price group