Available Data

Partner Data Warehouse Tables

Upon joining the Partner Data Warehouse, you will gain access to the following data models :


Expand > the sidebar on the left to see the model documentation pages.

All tables are updated every 8 hours.

Tables qualified naming (DATABASE.SCHEMA.TABLE) convention:


Important Relations


Charge points are directly associated with your operator, through one or more of the following fields: operator_id, parent_operator_id, sponsor_operator_id, parent_sponsor_operator_id.


Teams are directly linked to your operator via the operator_id field.


Charges is a comprehensive list of all charge events where at least one of the following conditions is met:

  1. The charge point id (cp_id) links the charge to one of your charge points.
  2. The Paying_team_id column associates the charge with one of your teams via the team_id. This enables you to connect individual charging events to specific teams and their members.


Transactions occur either to or from a team under your operator. The to_wallet_owner_id specifies the recipient of the transaction, while from_wallet_owner_id denotes the sender. Transactions are connected to charges through the reference_id, given that reference_type == CHARGE.


The team_members table offers a comprehensive list of team IDs and user IDs for all team memberships.


The users table provides detailed information on users who are members of one or more of your teams.

What’s Next

Here are a few examples queries that show how to use different data models.