Subscription Purchases

This table gives more details about the purchase of a given subscription for an operator.

NameData TypeDescription
purchase_idINTEGERThe purchase identifier, converted to integer
typeSTRINGThe type of the subscription, converted to string
subscription_idINTEGERThe subscription identifier, converted to integer
discount_percentageFLOATThe discount percentage applied as a float value
discount_absoluteFLOATThe absolute discount applied as a float value
original_amountFLOATThe original amount before any discount as a float
discount_amountFLOATThe discount amount applied as a float
total_amountFLOATThe total amount after discount as a float
currency_idINTEGERThe currency identifier, converted to integer
actual_unitsINTEGERTotal units which are currently active
total_unitsINTEGERTotal units for which a payment is made
created_atTIMESTAMPThe timestamp of when the record was created, converted to timestamp
updated_atTIMESTAMPThe timestamp of when the record was updated, converted to timestamp